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AFB Financial Crime Masterclass: Performing EDD and Investigating PEP Risks (A Case Study Investigation)

This unique and highly practical instructor-led Masterclass has been designed for AFB members who are required to perform customer due diligence checks and investigations as part of the risk-based approach to managing financial crime risks.

During the workshop delegates will be invited to assess the risks of high-risk individuals and complex business structures to identify undisclosed beneficial ownership and other crime risks.

Demonstrations will be provided of the latest trends, including the use of digital identification and provided with an introduction to performing enhanced due diligence checks using open-source information (OSINT).

Delegates will be supported with practical notes, working templates and risk assessment exercises to ensure that the session is highly interactive, and outcomes focused.

Course content

Legal and regulatory requirements, FCA and the MLR 2017 as amended, relating to:

  • ID, digital identity and IP address, source of funds, wealth, and income, verification procedures, investigating corporate beneficial ownership, risk-based approach to CDD and the five core risk factors, regulatory case enforcement analysis and Dear CEO letters

Identifying the risks (High risk activity)

  • Fraud identity and documents, TCSP – formal nominees, identifying informal nominees – friends, family, and close business associates, complex layering, Mules /Structuring/Smurfing, identifying shell and shelf companies Fraud identity and documents

Investigating the risks (OSINT)

  • Introduction to OSINT techniques; accessing public databases and sources of crime risk information; conducting advanced open-source searches to identify risk and validate information

Course structure

  • In person and instructor led
  • 3 hours of learning
  • Case study analysis
  • Working templates
  • CPD credits for any session attended

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Describe current and emerging trends used by criminals to disguise their identity, control, and ownership of the proceeds of crime
  • Explain UK and international legal and regulatory CDD standards
  • Define the risk-based approach to CDD, including enhanced due diligence
  • List sources of guidance and open-source information databases to guide and inform risk assessments
  • Demonstrate how to use search operators to verify customer identity, and to identity adverse media for higher-risk applicants and relationships
  • Perform enhanced due diligence for higher risk relationships to identify unusual activity

Learning Outcomes

  • All risk professionals who conduct customer due diligence checks and verification
  • Senior financial crime compliance professionals
  • MLROs and their deputies
  • Line two and three risk professionals, including Internal auditors


Venue:       Commerzbank, 30 Gresham Street, EC2V 7PG
Date:          Wednesday, 18 June 2025
Time:          09:00 – 12:30 (Registration and light breakfast from 09:00)
Price:          £400 plus VAT

For further information including any questions around booking please contact