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Everything AFB does helps our members build their business here in the UK.

AFB champions the success of foreign banks by providing a platform for them to share information and best practice via events and training programmes; promoting their interests to industry stakeholders, policymakers and regulators; and supporting a positive profile of the sector in the media.

AFB ensures the voice of foreign banks is heard across the financial services network.

Membership of AFB is open to all branches, UK incorporated subsidiaries, UK-incorporated subsidiaries with foreign shareholders as well as representative offices of overseas headquartered banks. The membership includes the UK firms and affiliated organisations of some of the world’s largest banks; and members range from the largest, with many thousands of staff, to the smallest, with ten staff or fewer.

“The AFB is the mouthpiece of the foreign bank community”
David Attree, Head of Compliance & MLRO, First Commercial Bank Taiwan, London Branch



Association of Foreign Banks (AFB) was established in 1947 to be the voice of foreign banks in the UK. Foreign banks oversee over half of all regulated capital in the UK and significantly underpin UK GDP. They engage in a wide range of banking and investment business activities, primarily in the wholesale markets. Foreign banks make a significant contribution to the UK as a major international financial centre; and to the depth and breadth of markets globally, facilitating global trade.

These firms play an important part in the UK economy by investing and supporting new business, as well as providing jobs across the country. AFB represents the interests of foreign banks in the UK to stakeholders, including HM Treasury and regulators. It has around 170 banks in its membership, representing c80% of the market, including GSIBs such as Citigroup, Bank of China, JP Morgan, and BNP Paribas.

Join AFB

Membership is open to all foreign banks with a presence in the UK.

Please do get in touch to find out more.

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