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Training Programme
AFB Senior Managers Development Programme 2025
The AFB Senior Managers Development Programme will help those in Senior Manager Function roles and those preparing to step-up into SMF roles keep abreast of topical areas of regulatory change. The six-session programme will focus on current key issues facing foreign banks operating in the UK.
AFB Mansion House Lunch 2025
The AFB Mansion House Lunch is now open for bookings.  This year’s lunch will be held in the presence of the Lord Mayor Locum Tenens, Alderman Sir William Russell, at Mansion House – one of the most impressive venues in the City of London.
Special Event
WCIB-AFB Reception at Bank of China 2025
Association of Foreign Banks and the Worshipful Company of International Bankers invite you to a networking reception with colleagues from across the international banking community in London.
AFB Seminar: Supply Chains Under Scrutiny – Where do Businesses Stand in 2025?
AFB, in partnership with Ashurst LLP, invite members to attend an in-person seminar on supply chain environmental and human rights risks.  This seminar will cover several areas including due diligence under the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) (and proposed changes in the Omnibus Simplification Package).
Training Programme
AFB Financial Crime Masterclass: Performing EDD and Investigating PEP Risks (A Case Study Investigation)
This unique and highly practical instructor-led Masterclass has been designed for AFB members who are required to perform customer due diligence checks and investigations as part of the risk-based approach to managing financial crime risks.  
Training Programme
AFB Financial Crime Masterclass: Capital Markets (Combatting Money Laundering Risks)
An essential programme of financial crime compliance and risk management learning for risk and compliance professionals who are managing capital market products and services.  
Training Programme
AFB Financial Crime Masterclass: Correspondent Banking (Mitigating the Risks in Respondent Relationships)
This masterclass is designed to provide attendees who manage respondent relationships with greater confidence in assessing the risks in new and existing relationships, and to identify higher risk relationships and transactions.
Training Programme
AFB Financial Crime Masterclass: Managing Sanctions Risks (Identifying the Risks in Transactions and Trade)
This Masterclass is a programme of instructor-led learning that has been designed for all risk and compliance employees who wish to develop an advanced understanding of how to manage financial and non-financial sanctions risks with an emphasis on assessing and mitigating the risks of sanctions evasion techniques.