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The AFB holds a number of Networking Events each year including the Mansion House Lunch and Black Tie Annual Banquet.  We also hold a number of bespoke events to facilitate networking of specific member segments.

The Mansion House Lunch usually takes place in May or June and is attended by over 200 guests.  Members enjoy a three-course lunch at Mansion House and have an opportunity to network with peers at a cocktail reception beforehand.  We invite a guest speaker to give an address and the Lord Mayor also makes a speech.  It is a splendidly ceremonial occasion in the magnificent setting of Mansion House’s Egyptian Hall.  Members can book individual places or tables and invite guests or clients.

The AFB’s Annual Banquet is a Black Tie event that takes place in November at Drapers’ Hall, where members have a unique opportunity to network with senior industry peers and dine in the historical surroundings of the Livery Hall. Over 200 attend this event where members can book whole or half tables, individual places and invite partners or guests. Photos from the 2023 Annual Banquet are available here.

The AFB also hosts special networking evenings targeted at specific member segments that offer an ideal opportunity to meet with contacts at fellow member banks and discuss common issues in a relaxed setting.

Events and Practice Team

If you would like to find out more about AFB Networking Events, please get in touch.

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